Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends. 

Alphonse de Lamartine


To change how you feel inside, start with giving the sound of music a go. When you cannot compose a song or talk about the way you feel, consider playing an instrument or dancing to a beatto highlight the lyric coming from your heart. The effortless flow of ebullience kick starts with inner movements, before reflecting on the outside with the tapping of the feet, followed by the shaking of the head then the entire body. You will find while continuing to repeat your rhythm you have managed to figure a melodious tune.

It is a delight to find the perfect moment to express yourself with rippling sounds. Once others can connect with your music that transmission can be breath-taking bringing all to a place of harmony.


What form the difference is how music makes you feel inside, this exchange of uplifting your soul and spirit starts with you.


Have a happy week.



Cassidy Doxa
I am really touched by the Word for this week. I am blessed for having you inspire my week. I will make melodies in my heart and sing praise to Jehovah. I will sing songs that boost my spiritual energy. God bless you Pastor.
This is so true Pastor. What indeed forms the difference is how music makes me feel inside and the exchange of uplifting my soul and spirit starts with me. Thank you so much for sharing.
Shylet Mhaka
Thank you, beautiful piece!!
Thank you Pastor A, have a happy week too
Sis. Mimi
Thank you Pastor Anita for this sharing. I have always loved music, and especially praise and worship...Listening and singing along is so uplifting and also calms my spirit. I even play soaking worship through the I have restful sleep ...